Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Need money for the holidays?

You can win a prize of $100, $75, or $50 for simply sharing your experience. The Customer Experience Task Force is looking for role plays and scripts that demonstrate aspects of customer service. The deadline for entry is November 30th and odds are favorable. Submit an e-mail attachment to with the subject line "Customer Service Contest".For more information, go to:

If you have any questions or need assistance with this, please let me know. Good luck!


Friday, November 16, 2007

ALA Midwinter Deadline

If anyone would like to attend ALA Midwinter in Phiilly, paperwork needs to be submitted ASAP. I need it in my office by Tuesday, 11/20/07 at NOON. I have LeRoy Robinson and Suzanne Rickles paperwork. Is there anyone else out there?


Standing meetings at HPL